Phil's two cents on blogging

Phil's two cents on blogging

Crank that (Soulja Boy)
Phil Baran, battling a bottle (Feb. 2013).

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- Introducing....the Baran Lab Snack Room!!!
That's right...we now have a new snack room in the Baran Lab. Phil took us on a Costco shopping spree to get all of our favorite goodies. And yes, he does make us wear diapers when we are running big columns! So far, the favorite items the barnowls...

- Open Flask Blog Turns 1
On a fateful day last February, Y. Brando, Dane, Will, and Hans were busy sitting around rumor-mongering upon the latest internet gossip (likely started by Hans in the first place). Dane was dwelling over his lack of Reddit karma when they were all interrupted...

- Best Synthesis Evar!
Over at BRSMblog theres a good post on the best synthesis ever. Its a discussion I've had around Baran Lab before, and I figured since total synthesis is our jam, people might have something to contribute to his comment section. I already gave him...

- Who Wants To Be A Heterocyclic Millionaire?
In case you didn't know, Phil has been teaching a Heterocyclic Chemistry class here at Scripps since 2005. This course consists of approximately two dozen 1.5-hour lectures. Other than the students, there are many Scripps postdocs and industrial chemists...

- The Portable Chemist's Consultant
This is my first ever blog entry, let alone the Baran lab blog but on all blogs web-wide. I thought this would be a suitable entry to celebrate this landmark of mine. I (Yoshi) came to the Baran Lab in 2007 and obtained my PhD last year but I'm staying...

